Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mohammed Larbi in Cordoba

On Thursday night, we went down to the Plaza del Triunfo, next to the Mezquita, to have a look at some incredibly beautiful Kaftans by the Moroccan designer Mohammed Larbi. I'll take one of each, please!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Just found this hidden away in a box! This is the first piece I made years ago at the jewellery school here in Cordoba. We were asked to design our zodiac sign, and this is my version of Taurus...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Marcos working the wax

Marcos and I complement each other very well when it comes to making new jewellery. He likes to work with wax, whereas I prefer making my prototypes directly in silver. With all the different things we make here at the store, there is a need for knowing both methods. Today I caught him in the process of making a Star of David:

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Today I got a visit from Vera. She came in, took off her bicycle helmet, tried on my sunflower earrings, paid for them, put her helmet back on and stormed out.
While she was trying on the earrings, she told me that she and Florian have come to Spain from Germany on a tandem bike! They write about it on their blog: Ecopedalo.
From what I can see, the blog is in German only, but even if you don’t know any German it is worth a visit, to see the fantastic pictures (especially from beautiful Andalusia!) Vera and Florian, what you are doing sounds like a great adventure and I will look forward to reading more about your journey!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Bring It On 2012!

Just like last year, Christmas and New Year caught me by surprise, and suddenly I find myself in 2012! Although I did manage to find (and decorate) our lovely plastic tree the first week of December, and we let it stand in all its glory until 12th of January.
I have a feeling that this year is going to be full of challenges - some more fun than others. But we’re ready for them! And a few of the fun ones have already landed on my board (together with some heartfelt inspiration provided by my niece). I look forward to showing you the results!