Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy Birthday AGAVANZA!

Time certainly flies! One year ago today we opened the doors to the AGAVANZA store.

The first 2 months were busy and hot! We were so eager to open that we thought we could wait until winter to install air condition! And let me tell you, Cordoba gets hot in summer!!
But by February 2010 we were…well, still hot, but this time because of the heating that our very efficient new air condition also includes.
So come rain or snow or 45ยบ (yes, we’ve seen it all this past year), we are now so comfortable here that we don’t mind working every day of the week.

Having the store in the old Jewish quarter in the centre of Cordoba means that we get to meet a lot of people visiting from all over the world. Many of them have bought gifts in AGAVANZA for their friends and family. And every time that happens, we wonder where in the world one of our little gift wrapped boxes will be opened days, weeks or months later…

So thank you, all of you wonderful people who have passed through our doors, for making this possible and for reminding us every day how much we love what we do!
We hope to celebrate many more birthdays here in Calle Deanes!

Friday, July 23, 2010

What's in a name?

The most common question people ask when visiting our store is “What does AGAVANZA mean?”

Literally it means rosehip. In Spanish commonly known as escaramujo, in German Hagebutte and in Danish hyben.
I have always been very inspired by the nature on the westcoast of Denmark, where you’ll find millions of rosehips. And when I started, I knew that I wanted a plant or a flower from “back home” as a trademark.
So I chose the rosehip. And as I was looking for a name that was easily pronounced, I chose a synonym for the Spanish version escaramujo, which is agavanza.

As an added bonus, within the word agavanza, you can see the verb avanzar, which in Spanish means to advance or move forward. And the first two letters form the chemical formula for silver, Ag, which is the only metal we work.

It would seem that I’m not the only one who likes the shapes and colour of the agavanza. The red necklace and earrings from our AGAVANZA Collection were the first two pieces of jewellery we made, and they have been our absolute bestsellers ever since!