Friday, December 17, 2010

“Hello, hello, hello…This is Nat King Cole”

That’s the first thing I’ve heard every morning in December when turning on the music player in the store. We have put on a lot of different Christmas songs during this month (some better than others), but hearing Nat King Cole’s voice puts me in a great mood, so he is always the first one to be played.

Christmas is just around the corner, and Marcos and I are off to spend some family time in Denmark, hopefully with a lot of snow, which we don’t see that often here despite the cold weather.

As you may see in the photo, I have decorated the store a bit for Christmas. Last year I didn’t, and ended up regretting it. We even got a tree, a fake one. That’s right, I want my fur and my Christmas trees fake! And why not make it a little more cosy for the customers and ourselves? Besides, in Spain it’s not really Christmas until January 6th, so there is more time to really enjoy the decorations.

And so, we’re offering this simple phrase to kids from one to ninety-two. Although it’s been said many times, many ways:

Merry Christmas to you!

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